28 February 2007

Pizza Vending Machine... Beat That Cylons!

I've been watching a lot of Battlestar Galactica lately and a big issue on the show - now that the cylons have the capability of possessing materially human bodies (with the only apparent difference being they possess spinal cords that pulsate red when they "bone down") - is what really separates humans from cylons. Although cylons have incredibly poor taste in clothing (the males dress like used car salesmen and the women like futuristic slatterns) even some humans exhibit the same poor taste in attire.

What separates us from the cylons, my friends, is that our species possesses the genius to produce the pizza vending machine. This Wonder Pizza vending machine was produced in Torino Italy which means that it must be, like, totally authentic. Ninety seconds and five dollars later you can get your hands on a piping hot pizza - with your choice of crust crispness and three different toppings. Now if we could only create a hotdog vending machine that pops out a Nathan's kosher all-beef on a toasted bun with mustard, relish, and gently warmed sauerkraut, then we would be masters of the universe.

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