27 May 2006

don't worry son, it's time to feed

After a six hour struggle in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday, Captain Bucky Dennis caught a 1280 pound, 14.5 foot hammerhead shark. It is reported that it may be the largest hammerhead shark captured. When questioned as to why he had targeted the hammerhead, Bucky responded "I was just trying to find a record that was feasible to break." Bucky's friend, fellow captain described Bucky as "ate up with" an obsession to set a fishing record.

Captain Bucky's reasons for selecting the Hammerhead shark differ greatly from Dr. Preston King's reasons for attempting to fuse hammerhead DNA with the DNA of his dead, canceratic son. King truly apreciates the subtleties of strength possessed by the hammerhead as a species, as is observable in the photograph to the left. According to King, hammerheads never succumb to disease and there have never been any instances of sharks getting cancer so he transforms his son into a giant, rubberized mute killer - a Jason Voorhies of the ocean rather than lake- surely functioning for Dr. Preston King more phallically than filially. Hammerhead may never be understood until there are least two more sequels released in the series in which the dialogue and female characters glisten with the truth of his character, or at least some strategically placed lubricating jelly.

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