27 September 2006

Coding Body Parts as Patriotic

So my professor for my Politics of Fashion class clued me into the following link - I admit it is pretty crass (rhymes with brass!).

The site American Brass Balls sells, well, brass replicas of testicles. But it is how they signify these metal testicles that interests me: "Having American Brass Balls means 'We've Got What It Takes' to: Defeat Terrorism and those who promote it; Defend our Homeland; Show Courage and Determination in the face of adversity."

The sentiment of having "balls" is cliche, but here it has been recoded (and commodified into a disturbingly realistic product) to address the fear of terrorism present in our culture over the past five years. While the site insists that brass balls are for both men and women, it seems to me the site and its shiny products are somehow unable to avoid masculinist associations.


Anonymous said...

I've seen 'em swinging on the back of trucks Too. Women have balls; they are just on the inside...hidden where maybe these crass...er...I mean brass ones should be kept, out of sight that is, but what ever...what ever sinks your boat.

R. Gay said...

I have actually seen these swinging from the back of a pick up truck. At first, I didn't realize what I was looking at, but as we got closer, I was like, wow, there are testicles hanging from that tailgate. '

We live in such a strange world.