24 July 2007

sugar toast: a blog about comfort food

my friend kimmy p has started a multi-contributor food blog about the simple, comfort food recipes that make our worlds go 'round. you should check it out.

22 July 2007


So I've been absent for a while because I was away in Idaho for a week and injured my back. Lately my friends have been reminiscing about things we ate or watched when we were younger. Angelo and I remembered this random commercial for Blu-Blocker sunglasses and, sure enough, Angelo found the commerical on youtube. Anyone else remember this one?

02 July 2007

01 July 2007

Straight out of a John Waters movie: "Man beats peacock he says was a vampire"


A peacock that roamed into a fast-food restaurant parking lot was attacked by man who vilified the bird as a vampire, animal-control authorities said. Beaten so fiercely that most of his tail feathers fell out, the bird was euthanized, said Richard Gentles, a spokesman for the city's Center for Animal Care and Control.

"It's just unbelievable that someone would do something to a poor, defenseless animal and do it in such a cruel fashion," he said.

The peacock, a male several years old, wandered into a Staten Island Burger King parking lot and perched on a car hood Thursday morning. Charmed employees had been feeding him bread when the man appeared. He seized the iridescent bird by the neck, hurled it to the ground and started kicking and stomping the creature, said worker Felicia Finnegan, 19.

"He was going crazy," she said.

Asked what he was doing, she said, the attacker explained, "'I'm killing a vampire!'"

Employees called police, but the man ran when he saw them. Authorities were looking for the attacker, described as being in his teens or early 20s. It was not clear how the bird made his way to the Burger King, but a Staten Island resident who raises peacocks said he had given some to a person who lives near the restaurant.