11 February 2007

Vote Here for the NBA All Haters Game

Although late last night I shrieked into a four-degree Chicago night, "Congress Theatre, by the power of Graceskull,I will get thee! I will expose thee in the mighty blogosphere," I am still too angry at that shithole to write about it. Instead, I want to acknowledge that I have been grossly negligent in my NBA Player Hater coverage. The main reason? I no longer have cable tv and so far, a basketball league has not formed in Animal Crossing: Wild World (the alternate reality in which my heart truly belongs) for me to cover.

Inspired the other night by one of the funniest and adept-at-cleverly-hating people I know (besides myself of course), I have decided to make up for my negligence by presenting to all of you in my mighty blogosphere, an All-Haters lineup. Between now and Saturday, February 17 (the date of the actual NBA All Stars Game), I'm taking nominations for players to belong on the most-hated NBA lineup of 2007. On that day I will reveal to you the most reviled combination of point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward, and center that I can come up with, complete with fugly pictures and criticism completely unrelated to actual basketball playing skills. Let the nominations begin...
I have a fugly assistant waiting patiently by his computer to compile your nominations. You can also find him on AIM under the name "hedosloth69."

1 comment:

mr.mhhs said...

some ideas:

center: fabricio oberto, eddy curry
power forward: anderson varejao
small forward: bruce bowen
shooting guard: gilbert arenas, j. stackhouse
point guard: stephen jackson, jason kidd

coach: isiah thomas, mike brown