22 July 2007


So I've been absent for a while because I was away in Idaho for a week and injured my back. Lately my friends have been reminiscing about things we ate or watched when we were younger. Angelo and I remembered this random commercial for Blu-Blocker sunglasses and, sure enough, Angelo found the commerical on youtube. Anyone else remember this one?


Frank Ridgway said...

By no means from my childhood, but nevertheless a classic:


When I was young and vaguely punk rock, I worked for a production house in Louisiana that made gems like this.

I wish I had a demo ree.

mar said...

I sincerely love that the only catchphrase the Montgomery Flea Market could come up with was, "It's Just Like a Mini-Mall."

As though that is a selling point.

Jimi Jones said...

Git yuhself some.. Blu Blockers. Fuck I had forgotten about this. Seems like I saw this a lot in spring 1992 during after-school MTV.