17 September 2007

monday means exercise

the weekend is over and I stuffed myself with fried chicken and schnitzel so it's time to exercise - every Monday and Wednesday afternoon I take an aerobics and strength training class offered through the Urbana Park District - the class looks a lot like this video


Jimi Jones said...

I'm speechless.

mar said...

I've decided my favorite part is where the band breaks it down... I'm kind of into the keyboardist. He's a Finnish fox.

Anonymous said...

Martha, I *so proud* of this clip! As a Finn, I have a special appreciation for this, and you'll be glad to know you're only a few degrees removed from it!! I had a summer job at an ad agency in Helsinki where the piano player's sister worked and she'd make me send all these faxes to H&M in Stockholm (they were just starting in Finland, this was like 1993 or something--I was in high school). The guy who plays the piano went on to be a famous pianist/orchestra leader; he would do all the award shows and the like. Anyways, if you're dying to know, I can back-translate the lyrics for you :) It's pretty hilarious, using S.O.S. as a word on its own instead of "young men"...