30 November 2006

What is it about Rush?

This has to be one of the funniest things I have seen on The Family Guy ever. Who knew Cheetos could get you high? But seriously, this clip made me wonder... what is it about the band Rush and guys (humor me in counting Chester the Cheetah as a guy)? I have never been able to get into the band - I can understand theoretically or technically that they made complex music, but they have always left me cold (I call it the "Steely Dan Syndrome"). Not to essentialize, but the only people I have ever met who have been huge Rush fans are men. Moreover they are RABID fans - never ride in a car with one of them while they're driving - if "Tom Sawyer" plays, they will seriously take their hands off the wheel to break out with a horribly embarassing, gratuitous drum solo. I think there are at least .003 accidents a year because of this phenomenon (the rate was much larger when Moving Pictures was released in '81 I'm sure).


Anonymous said...

I don't know if you know this but, 'The world is, the world is, loved by life beneath."

Rush + Air Drumming x El Caminos = Awesome!

Anonymous said...

kim and i linked up too, which means i also found YOUR blog(g?), n00b.

burnett sucks, though has his moments. did you know you can crap in a box and MIT press will make it into a book and print it?

Unknown said...

I agree with you Rush blows, their music is boring and not very interesting, the only complicated thing in their music are Neil Pert's drums solos. Which amount to him hitting lots of cymbals really fast, this in no way shows any skill, because if you've ever played drums you know when you want to show off and have no skills you just start hitting cymbals really fast.

Down with Rush!