23 January 2007

I've sunk to a new low...

So my large blog readership (hi Dad) has probably been wondering why I haven't been posting a lot lately. I'd like to say it's because, now that I'm home from vacation, I've really thrown myself into my studies. Nope. Today, the class I'm auditing got cancelled at the last minute (eeps - no matter that I woke up early to do the 160 pages of reading for it) so I finally got to return to the magical kingdom that is Animal Crossing: Wild World. What can I say? Many of my friends are starting to worry about my obsession with it - threatening violence if I mention once more what Lobo the wolf said to me about the way I smell or my thoughts on why more men should wear onesies.

Today I sunk to a pretty new low though - I actually started looking up cheats for the game. What can I say? I'm having a hard time catching bugs (it's winter and I refuse to use the time travel cheat) and I was looking for advice. Lucky the mummy dog wanted to have a bug competition with me, and I felt inadequate. The cheats-site made me realize there are two kinds of cheats: the cheats for people who really love the game and the cheats for people who just want to make fast money. I refuse to be interested in the latter... at least for now (hey, I'm anxious for my Nookway to turn into a Nookingtons, but I'm going to try to be patient).

The cheats for people who love the game totally crack me up - I can totally change my town tune to "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day if I wanted to (narf! Instead, I changed it to "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple, thanks to Pug Gurl). Some of these so-called cheats just crack me up. Like dogstar 13, who clearly possesses a fetish for bureaucracy:

See The Mayor on a normal day!
Want to see Tortimer the Mayor on a day when he isn't walking outside? Then go to the Town Hall, and talk to Pelly at the green window. When the camera zooms down to a close up, you'll be able to see a familiar figure working in the background!

What a weirdo! I mean, Tortimer the Mayor isn't even cute!

1 comment:

mr.mhhs said...

how now smuggles. how much for a quart of assorted uppers?