09 January 2007

Leo Carillo Tide Pools

I visited my favorite beach, Leo Carillo, today during its low tide at sunset. In the largest pool I saw two hermit crabs, and several starfish bunched up together, or "spooning" as some tide poolers call it. I also put my finger on the creature pictured in the lower right image - I think it's some kind of sea urchin. It was really smushy and it bunched up into itself when I put my finger on it. Afterwards I was convinced my fingertip felt tingly, but I think I was just imagining it. If anyone can identify the name for the sea friend I made today, I will send you a check for $3.

1 comment:

Kristen Dougherty said...

The smushy thing you found was a sea anemone... they are found in various colors from green to white. When in the water, they look like flowers. They are not poisonous, but the tentacles grab onto your finger like double stick tape. Out of the water, they glue sea shells and rocks on the outside and curl up to retain the water inside. If you ever see anyone squeezing or poking them and they squirt water out - they can die! So please don't.
Check out my site at NPtidepools.blogspot.com